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Past Sermon Series
Refinery Sessions
In today’s complex world, it’s important to re-examine our beliefs and practices to ensure they align with what God thinks. Our "Refinery Sessions" series will explore various aspects of life that are causing significant conflict.
Join us as we seek to refine our understanding of ourselves and how we should live in this world.
Dangerous Lies We Believe About Money
Do you ever feel like money controls you instead of you controlling it? Are you bombarded with conflicting messages about finances, leaving you confused and unsure?
Join us for a new series titled "Dangerous Lies We Believe About Money." We'll explore common financial myths that can hold us back from achieving our goals and living a peace-filled life.
No Perfect People Allowed
Are you tired of pretending to be perfect? Do you long for a community where you can be yourself, flaws and all? Then join us for our 4-week sermon series, "No Perfect People Allowed." We'll explore what it means to live authentically, show humility, extend grace to others, and welcome everyone into our community.
Keeping Up With The Jone$e$
Debt-celings, Inflation, Recession, Lay-offs.
Financial issues are front and center in our world today. Many people are concerned about the future and what it means for them financially. Join us for this 3-week series and learn what God has to say about handling money in a way that gives you peace.
Answers For The Stress And Strains Of Life
Someone once said that we are "One nation...under stress." That certainly feels true. Stress at work, stress at home, stress with finances, stress with relationships. And it is taking a toll on all of us. Thankfully, God has a lot to say about how to live in this crazy world with peace and joy. Join us for this important series as we turn to God to get His help dealing with these challenges.
Think of how the world has changed in the last few years. Covid, the economy, supply chain issues, interest rates, and war in Europe, etc. The world feels like a much scarier place for a lot of people. Despite all these things, God wants us to learn how to live without fear.
Join us for our series called "Fearless" as we talk about how God can empower us to live with confidence.
We are all so busy. We run from one thing to the next and time races past. In a crazy, fast-paced world like this, how do we slow down and maintain our focus on what's really important?
Join us for our four-week series called "Essentials" as we put our focus back on the most important things.