I Said "Yes" to Jesus


Please Pray for Me

I Said "Yes" to Jesus


Please Pray for Me

I said "yes" to Jesus


I need some prayer

More Sermons

Past Sermon Series


Refinery Sessions

In today’s complex world, it’s important to re-examine our beliefs and practices to ensure they align with what God thinks. Our "Refinery Sessions" series will explore various aspects of life that are causing significant conflict.

Join us as we seek to refine our understanding of ourselves and how we should live in this world.


Mistaken Identity

Who are you?

How would you answer that question?

Parent, friend, employee, fan, spouse?

There are many possibilities. But Jesus wants to give you a new identity that changes how you live in this world.


Doubting God

Doubt isn't a sign of weak faith; it's a natural part of our spiritual journey. God welcomes our doubts, so we should too. In the series "Doubting God," we're making room for the questions we've been hesitant to ask.


Peniel Goes To The Movies

There are many spiritual themes found in our movies, tv-shows, and music. Join us as we use the topics found in our culture to point us back to God. 



What would you REDO if you could go back?


Seek Wisdom

Do you ever have to deliver feedback to anyone? Have you learned how to say difficult things to others without ruining the relationship? Giving and receiving feedback are essential life skills that can lead to dramatic improvement.
Join us for this 2-week series.


Fear Not

Is fear your co-pilot? You're not alone. 
This 5-week series offers a non-judgmental space to explore fear and its impact on our lives. 
Learn practical steps from Jesus to quiet your inner critic and step into a life of courage and confidence.


Dangerous Lies We Believe About Money

Do you ever feel like money controls you instead of you controlling it? Are you bombarded with conflicting messages about finances, leaving you confused and unsure?
Join us for a new series titled "Dangerous Lies We Believe About Money." We'll explore common financial myths that can hold us back from achieving our goals and living a peace-filled life.


Unshakeable Faith

Layoffs, recessions, wars, elections, inflation...
There are so many issues in our world. Chances are, you are facing some challenges right now too. How can you keep your faith strong in the middle of difficult circumstances so that you can
experience God's help? 



Do you want 2024 to be better than 2023? What steps can you take to make it better? Join us for a new series as we talk about practical steps we can take to see things get better.


Christmas At The Movies

This year, we will be using some of our favorite Christmas movies to help us think about Christmas themes in a whole new way. Join us for this fun and challenging series!


Lessons Learned

Did you know that the word "disciple" means "learner"? Jesus wants us to continually learn from Him. This short series will be about some key lessons God has been teaching me lately. What has God been working on in your life? 


No Perfect People Allowed

Are you tired of pretending to be perfect? Do you long for a community where you can be yourself, flaws and all? Then join us for our 4-week sermon series, "No Perfect People Allowed." We'll explore what it means to live authentically, show humility, extend grace to others, and welcome everyone into our community.


Relationship Restart

Stories have always been powerful teaching tools. Jesus told stories all the time to communicate truth. Join us as we explore some of our societies "stories" to see what they can teach us about life, relationships, and faith. 


Under Construction

It's construction season in Wisconsin. That means it can be frustrating to try to get anywhere right now. But the spiritual truth is it is ALWAYS construction season with God. He is always at work. And only by learning to cooperate with Him do we make the process easier. 


At The Movies

Stories have always been powerful teaching tools. Jesus told stories all the time to communicate truth. Join us as we explore some of our societies "stories" to see what they can teach us about life, relationships, and faith. 


Keeping Up With The Jone$e$

Debt-celings, Inflation, Recession, Lay-offs. 

Financial issues are front and center in our world today. Many people are concerned about the future and what it means for them financially. Join us for this 3-week series and learn what God has to say about handling money in a way that gives you peace. 


Answers For The Stress And Strains Of Life

Someone once said that we are "One nation...under stress." That certainly feels true. Stress at work, stress at home, stress with finances, stress with relationships. And it is taking a toll on all of us. Thankfully, God has a lot to say about how to live in this crazy world with peace and joy. Join us for this important series as we turn to God to get His help dealing with these challenges.



Jesus said that some things are way more important than others.

Join us for this short series as we get our focus back on the most important things in this world.


Wise Up

The Bible says that Wisdom is one of the most important virtues. It will improve any aspect of your life it touches.

Join us for a series in Proverbs that will help us "wise up" in key areas of our life.


This Is My Year!

Many people are very happy that a New Year has started. So how do we make sure that the next 12 months will be better?

Join us for a series that will help us see how to take positive steps in the new year.


Great Joy!

A lot of people do not feel very "joyful" this year. Is there really a way to live in this world AND have joy?

Join us for this series and learn about the Joy that Jesus offers all of us!



There are a lot of people who know what it's like for their faith to fall apart. But what does it take to keep faith alive no matter what? Join us for our series called "Unsinkable" as we talk about building an unsinkable faith.



When gamers get in trouble, they sometimes have the ability to hit the "reset" button and start all over. In a world as complex as ours, there are a lot of situations where it would be nice to just "reset". Thankfully, God gives us those opportunities.


Peniel Goes To The Movies

Join us for the series called "Peniel Goes To The Movies" as we use popular movies to have spiritual conversations.


Rumble Strips

Join us for our series called "Rumble Strips" as we talk about how to know when it's time to make course corrections.



Think of how the world has changed in the last few years. Covid, the economy, supply chain issues, interest rates, and war in Europe, etc.  The world feels like a much scarier place for a lot of people. Despite all these things, God wants us to learn how to live without fear. 
Join us for our series called "Fearless" as we talk about how God can empower us to live with confidence.



We are all so busy. We run from one thing to the next and time races past. In a crazy, fast-paced world like this, how do we slow down and maintain our focus on what's really important?
Join us for our four-week series called "Essentials" as we put our focus back on the most important things.



Relationships are not easy. We get hurt, we have conflict, and many times we don't know how to make things better. Join us for a series on how to repair broken relationships. 


Fresh Start

Join us for our series "Fresh Start" as we focus on principles that can help us have a great new year!


Vintage Christmas

Join us for our series called "Vintage Christmas" as we have fun exploring the biblical themes found in some classical Christmas stories.


30 Days to Live

What if you found out tomorrow that you only had 30 days left to live? What would change in your life? What would you start or stop doing? What things would you NEVER do again? Join us as we learn ways to help reprioritize our lives.


Mastering Our Emotions

Join us as we learn how to identify and manage our emotions and improve our ability to interact successfully with the emotions we see in the people around us.


Character Matters

Join us as we learn how to develop character qualities that will improve your life.



Join us as we learn how to identify and remove the poisons in this world.


Sticks and Stones

Join us as we learn how to harness the power of our words.


Running On Empty

Join us as we learn what we can do to reduce the stress in our lives.


When You Want to Start Seeing God at Work in Your Life

Join us as we learn what we can do to start seeing God at work in our lives.


Common $en$e

Join us as we learn about steps we can take to increase financial stability in our lives.


Great Expectations

Join us as we learn how to help your faith grow so you learn to expect more from God.


A Season of Hope

Join us as we learn why there is reason for hope even after 2020.


Holding It Together

Join us as we learn how, despite the odds, to keep ourselves and our relationships together.


Winning In The Game Of Life

Join us as we explore different life skills and how we can win in life.


How To Connect With God Every Day

Join us as we learn how to develop a closer relationship with God.


I Have A Friend Who…

Join us as we explore several questions that we sometimes hear about God.


 Where Do We Go From Here?

Join us as we learn how to endure through very challenging times.


Good and Angry

Join us as we learn how to work through our anger.


Dear God

Join us as we learn about prayer and the different ways that God responds.



Join us as we explore what it is to be a disciple.


Weathering The Storms Of Life

Join us as we learn how we can make it through the storms we face throughout our lives.


Big Faith

Join us as we learn more about faith.



Join us as we learn practical strategies, and God's view regarding money.



Join us as we explore how to use time to our advantage in life.


Christmas in the Country

Join us as we consider the challenges that some may have during the Christmas season.


How to Develop A Grateful Attitude

Join us as we learn how we can become more grateful.


Adventures in Kindness

Join us as we learn about kindness and some powerful impacts it can have.


Forgotten God

Join us as we explore God's characteristics.



Join us as we learn when and how to fight.


Your Attitude, Your Life

Join us as we learn about our attitude and how we can control it to positively impact our life.


How Jesus Changed the World

Join us as we learn how Jesus changed the world in so many ways.


Tell Everyone

Join us as we learn how to share God's good news.


Trust Me

Join us as we explore the topic of trust.


New Year, New You

Join us as we explore entering a new year with a new you.



Join us as we learn how to experience true joy while imitating the values Jesus modeled at Christmas.



Join us as we learn how our focus should be on eternity.


Starting Over

Join us as we learn how to effectively move forward, by dealing with the past. 


Lessons From The Movie "I Can Only Imagine"

Join us as we explore how God heals our pain.



Join us as we learn about how to restore what life sometimes depletes from us.


Listen To This

Join us as we learn about the impact of our words and how to control them.


Money Matters

Join us as we learn about how to be content, grateful and generous.


What God Taught Me In The Last Two Years

This week Brian reflects on the past two years and the lessons that he has learned while going through some very painful times.


The 3 Things People Need To Change

Join us as we learn about what three things are needed for change in lives.


How To Get God's Help

Join us as we learn what we need to do to receive God's help.


How To Seek God

God wants to give us what we need. Join us as we learn what the Bible says about seeking God.


The Unstoppable Power Of Kindness

Jesus not only taught kindness, He exhibited it in his day to day life.  
Join us as we are encouraged to go against today's societal norms and to be kind, even to those that we may find it difficult to be kind to.


Christmas Message Of Hope

Join us as we reflect on a message of hope.


Lessons From The Movie "The Christmas Carol"

Join us as we learn how God can reclaim and restore us from our broken pasts.



Join us as we learn about several aspects of relationships.


Lessons From The Movie "Horton Meets The Who"

Join us as we learn how we can make a difference in the world.